Your Name in the Next Sean Coleman Thriller? Yes!

UPDATE (9/1/2020): The winner was drawn on September 1st. Congratulations to Dennis Corbett, whose name will be used in the next Sean Coleman thriller. And thank you to all who participated in this drawing!

John is hard at work on the 5th Sean Coleman Thriller. How would YOU like to be in it?

You read that right! John’s holding a contest, and the lucky winner will have a character named after him or her (first and last name) IN THE NOVEL!

How cool is that?

The drawing will take place on September 1, 2020. To enter the contest, just fill out the form below and submit it. By submitting the form, you are acknowledging that you understand you’re giving John permission to use your name in his book.

Note: The character will not be modeled after you. He or she will have your name, but not your identity (personality, history, age, etc.). The surprise will be part of the fun!

As of now, the book has neither a title nor a release date (it’s still being written). But you’ll be among the first to be notified when that information becomes available!

One last thing: The email address you use must be a valid one (we’ll need to be able to notify you if you win). Also, entering the contest will subscribe you to John’s email newsletter (don’t worry, you can unsubscribe from it — if you choose — at any time).

The winner of the contest (picked at random) will be announced on John’s social media accounts on the night of September 1st (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

UPDATE 9/1/2020: It’s too late to enter the contest. Thanks to all who entered prior to the deadline. The drawing will take place tonight!

A little behind on reading the Sean Coleman thrillers? No problem. You can order them here!

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